You Only Get One Smile To Make a Great First Impression – Teeth Whitening Provides An Amazing Smile!

Your bright smile and boosted confidence await.

  • Tooth whitening is an affordable method to make your teeth look great fast.

  • Professional whitening typically far outperforms home whitening solution.

  • We offer the best teeth whitening methods in the Aurora, CO area.

  • There are many different types of whitening solutions to choose from, Dr. Hardenbergh will guide you through your options.

  • Let a 5-Star Rated dentist give you the best looking white teeth at a fraction of the cost of other cosmetic dental procedures.

  • We believe that serving the community is so important to us that all proceeds for teeth whitening go to charity. We want to make the world a better place.

Has coffee, tea, or red wine stained your teeth? Perhaps your once-bright and shiny tooth enamel has acquired stains from darkly colored foods, tobacco, or an unnamed cause. A gleaming smile looks fresh and youthful, and on the flip side, dark teeth make a person seem aged and unhealthy. There’s good news, though. In one simple, short visit with Dr. Hardenbergh in our Aurora dental office, you can reclaim a sparkling smile – and the confidence that comes along with it!

Ready to look younger and love your smile? Call us at 303-625-6757 to reserve your cosmetic dentistry consultation, and learn how professional teeth whitening can revive your image.

Two Options for Professional Dental Bleaching

Everyone’s smile is unique, and so are their tooth stains. Dr. Hardenbergh understands that your personality shows in your smile, and he wants to help you maintain your uniqueness. Some people want glamourous, snow-white smiles that rival Miss America’s, while others want a subtle change, just a few shades brighter. For this reason, the doctor offers two types of in-office teeth whitening.

30 Minutes for Teeth to Look 2 to 4 Shades Whiter

If you want your teeth to appear just a few shades brighter than they are now, Dr. Hardenbergh will recommend Phillips Zoom Quick Pro. This safe and effective teeth whitening system is completed in our office, and application takes mere minutes. We will isolate your teeth from your gums, then apply a whitening varnish to lift stains from the pores in your tooth enamel. After wearing the varnish for about half an hour, you’ll brush your teeth normally. The Quick Pro varnish, along with your tooth stains, will be rinsed right down the drain!

1.5 to 2 Hours for Teeth to Look 4 to 8 Shades Whiter

For more drastic results, Dr. Hardenbergh will suggest Zoom Whitening, the traditional process that takes about two hours or less. With Zoom, we will isolate your teeth from your gums, then apply a light-activated bleaching gel. A soft, cool light will kickstart a chemical reaction to lift dental stains and leave your teeth up to eight shades whiter!

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Why Whitening?

Studies show that a more attractive smile can have positive implications on how people think of you. One poll by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry found that people with a beautiful smile are considered more intelligent, friendly, and successful. Kelton Research reports that people who underwent teeth whitening before an interview were more likely to receive a job offer and a higher salary than those who didn’t have their teeth whitened beforehand. It’s true! People judge us, at least in part, on how we look.

But it’s not just how others see you that matters. How will you feel with a brighter, more appealing smile? Will you have more confidence? Will you smile more often? The simple act of smiling relieves stress and makes us feel good. If teeth whitening would make you more apt to go through life with a smile on your face, that alone is worth the investment!